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February 2023 Texas Standard Possession Order

| Chris Schmiedeke |

Hello, everyone. Happy February.

Chris Schmiedeke here to discuss the Texas Standard Possession Order for February, 2023.

We have Thursdays, we have weekends, and we have a potential holiday that we have to deal with. But before we get started, if you wouldn’t mind reaching down there, and clicking the like button, and the subscribe button if you’re watching this on YouTube, that would make things very helpful for me, and I surely would appreciate it.

From prior videos, and if you have not watched any prior videos, go back and watch them, I have them for last year, for February, March, April, May, go back and watch them, but as always, blue, custodial parent, yellow, non-custodial parent.

Beginning with the Thursdays this month, the non-custodial parent will have February second, ninth, 16th, and the 23rd, all Thursdays. The weekend periods of possession will be the first Friday of the month is Friday the third, the third Friday of the month is February 17th, and of course, the custodial parent will have the second and fourth Friday of the month, which is the 10th and the 24th. All of that is pretty straightforward.

We do have that one holiday down there on the February 20th, President’s Day. So I don’t know if your kids are out of school on President’s Day. I don’t even know if my kids are out of school on President’s Day, to be honest with you, but if they are, that is a non-custodial parent weekend. That is the paragraph that talks about a weekend extended by a holiday.

Now, that weekend could be extended on the front side, which is a February, Friday, sorry, or a Monday, which would extend it past the weekend.

Either one of those, there is a specific paragraph in your Standard Possession Order that talks about this. If President’s Day is a holiday for your child, then the non-custodial parent’s weekend will extend to the 20th, and the normal drop off time on the 20th. So if you drop off Sundays at six, you would drop off that Monday at six. If you return to school Monday morning, you would return to school Tuesday morning. If that is not a holiday, then the calendar as it currently reflects there is correct. It would be the custodial parent’s normal Monday period of possession.

There you go, that’s February. Couple Thursdays, couple of weekends, and a potential holiday, which is the Monday that extends a weekend period of possession, that paragraph in your final order.

As always, and as I’ve already mentioned, please click the like button and please subscribe, and I will talk to you next month.

Chris Schmiedeke


I was born in Dallas and spent the majority of my life here. I moved to Denver in the middle of the first grade and moved back to Plano in the middle of the eleventh grade. I graduated from Plano Senior High in 1984 and then attended Richland College and the University of North Texas where a received a Bachelor of Business Administration. From there I attended the Texas Tech University School of Law and was licensed to practice law in May of 1993. 

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