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January 2023 Texas Standard Possession Order

| Chris Schmiedeke |

Happy New Year everyone. Welcome to 2023 and what better way to bring in the new year than talk about the Texas Standard Possession Order for January of 2023. Custodial parent, as always, you’re in blue, non-custodial parent, you are in yellow. Couple things in here we will need to discuss when your kids go back to school and we have the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. So let’s start with the Thursday periods of possession. Thursday periods will be on the fifth, the 12th, the 19th and the 26th this month.

However, the date on the fifth is dependent upon when your kid goes back to school. Non-custodial parent, if your kid is not back in school by the fifth, then you are not going to get the fifth, that will be a custodial parent visitation day. For instance, if your child goes back on the sixth then the fifth would belong to the custodial parent. For the weekends, your weekends will be the sixth and the 20th this month.

Non-custodial parent, that’s pretty straightforward, that is the first Friday and the third Friday of the month and we’ll continue through till Sunday or whenever your drop off time, you may drop off back at school on Mondays. For the holidays, we have the Martin Luther King Jr holiday this month however, it is a non-factor because it belongs to the custodial parent, so we will not be looking at the provision that extends a weekend period of possession if the Monday is a holiday, that does not apply here.

All right, there you go. January’s pretty straightforward. The only real issue we have is, when does your kid go back to school? The custodial parent will have the child up until the first visitation after or the first visitation for the non-custodial parent after the child returns to school. So hope that makes sense. Martin Luther King Junior Day is a non-factor this month so I hope everyone has a very good beginning to the new year and I will see you next month.

Chris Schmiedeke


I was born in Dallas and spent the majority of my life here. I moved to Denver in the middle of the first grade and moved back to Plano in the middle of the eleventh grade. I graduated from Plano Senior High in 1984 and then attended Richland College and the University of North Texas where a received a Bachelor of Business Administration. From there I attended the Texas Tech University School of Law and was licensed to practice law in May of 1993. 

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