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Premarital Agreements in Texas

| Chris Schmiedeke |

A pre-marital agreement is an agreement you reach with your future spouse regarding how property accumulated during the marriage is handled in the event of a divorce.  It can be as simple as setting out that all property brought into the marriage stays the property of that spouse (called separate property), or as restrictive as preventing any property accumulated during the marriage as being community property.

Creating a solid premarital agreement is an effective way to ensure that your assets are protected in the event of a divorce. It is very important to hire an experienced attorney to draft your prenuptial agreement. If it is completed correctly, it will be virtually un-attackable.

Chris Schmiedeke


I was born in Dallas and spent the majority of my life here. I moved to Denver in the middle of the first grade and moved back to Plano in the middle of the eleventh grade. I graduated from Plano Senior High in 1984 and then attended Richland College and the University of North Texas where a received a Bachelor of Business Administration. From there I attended the Texas Tech University School of Law and was licensed to practice law in May of 1993. 

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